Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ear Worm

Most days finds JPR playing on the radio at the shop. It's there for background noise, a sound to break the silence of a rather quiet building. We can't play Lady Gaga full blast because the neighbors would object, they're massage therapists and want QUIET!! So, we listen to the radio... quietly.

JPR has an eclectic mix, from blue grass to reggae, and all points in between. Occasionally I'll catch a song that is a blast from the past, and find I'm infected with an ear worm. The only known cure for an ear worm is to listen to the song all the way through, preferably alone so you can sing it out at the top of your lungs.

Here's my top of the lungs song from today:: Trip Through Your Wire by U2 from The Joshua Tree released in 1987.

I wonder what tomorrow's song will be.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Took a Class!

Under the careful tutelage of Beckie Dynell, I made a pair of Celtic Star Earrings, and a pendant tonight. I used electric blue, copper, and silver rings. They're wonderful... and the best part... I finished them! I love taking classes.

My fingers are tired from clutching my pliers so tightly, but it was worth it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's Official

Fall arrived today.

The rain, the gray clouds, and the glorious leaves against dark skies made me yearn for one thing... Split Pea Soup!

There's a big pot of it simmering in the kitchen as I type. It will take days to eat it all. If I were smart, I'd freeze some for another gray day.

While I was at the grocery store I found myself in the side dish aisle. This is the aisle with the brightly colored boxes designed to appeal to the under 20 demographic. As I looked at all the different offerings of Macaroni and Cheese all I could think was, "it's official, I'm getting old."

I remember when Kraft Macaroni and Cheese was less than 20¢ per box. Now it's 93¢ per box. Heck, I can remember it going on sale, and you could get an obscene number of boxes for $1.00. The only noodle shape was elbow. Do spiral noodles taste different than shell noodles, or SpongeBob noodles, or elbow shaped noodles? They're all flour, eggs, and water.

Sheesh, SpongeBob shaped macaroni noodles. Whodda thunk it?

At least I can be secure in the knowledge that split peas will always be little, round, and green... and just the best thing on a cold, damp autumn night. They are still green, right?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Made It!

There's a little cat in my life with a very big meow! He can squawk unlike any kitty on the planet. I call him Rick the Relentless. Last night he was determined to prove me right. If he wasn't yelling in my face, he walking around my head, stepping on my hair as he crossed my pillow. When none of them would work, he'd leap onto my body from the tall dresser.

I didn't get much sleep. My challenge today has been staying awake.

At first, I thought I'd do the things I usually do on Monday. I gave it my best effort. I got the deposits ready to go to the bank. I paid bills, wrote the grocery list, finished laundry, then completely ran out of steam.

Lunch didn't improve the situation, so I gave up. I decided the only thing left for me to do was take the day off.

I've watched a couple of movies, messed with digital jigsaw puzzles, baked (and consumed) Pumpkin Spice Bread, and wandered around Pinterest.

Is 6:42 too early for bed? Nah, I'm tired.

Hopefully, the cat will let me sleep.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Preciosa Ornela, the manufacturers of beads in the Czech Republic, has just released a new seed bead called "twins." They're a two holed, 2.5X5mm oval seed bead.

Currently, the only colors available in the US are crystal, crystal matte, jet and jet matte... and Dancing Beads has them! They arrived today, and they're wonderful. We'll have them packaged for sale next week in 10 gram tubes. Unlike other two holed beads the cost of these lovelies is quite reasonable.

There will be 80 colors after the first of the year. I'm looking forward to orange!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Brought To You

by the letter...

Quilling, as seen in the letter "C" to the left, is a paper art form. Paper strips are formed into coils then glued together to create an image. This art form was used during the Renaissance to decorate religious items and book covers. During the 18th century it was a popular pastime for ladies of leisure.

Today quilling is enjoying a revival.

I love typography. Artist Sabeena Karnick of Mumbai, India has created a beautiful typography inspired alphabet using quilling for her letter forms. Here is a link to her work.

It's quite wonderful!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Imagination Required

...String Optional


"Janet Echelman found her true voice as an artist when her paints went missing -- which forced her to look to an unorthodox new art material. Now she makes billowing, flowing, building-sized sculpture with a surprisingly geeky edge. A transporting 10 minutes of pure creativity."

The video is a fascinating talk about the journey of an artist and a visionary. I'm inspired by the light, color, and technology.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Rearrange

This summer Cara Davis-Jacobson traveled to New York City on business. Cara is a customer, and a sweetheart. While she was in New York she visited a bead shop a few doors down from her hotel and shared a couple of pictures with me. Seeing the way the shop in Manhattan is filled, how every possible inch is utilized makes me realize... there's a whole lot more usable space at Dancing Beads than meets the eye!

These pictures were taken at a bead shop called Beads on Fifth. I wonder how they reach the items near the ceiling? Stepladders perhaps? I really like the feather boas!

When I come across a website for another shop the first thing I look for are interior shots of the store. Some of my best ideas have come from looking at what other shop owners have done to solve their display and storage dilemmas. It was while I was looking at another shop's site that I noticed how they'd arranged their strands, and how nice it looked. Everything was organized by bead type, rather than just by color. It looked wonderful!

Hence, our project today. The strand wall is going through a major overhaul, and it's looking pretty good. It's also going to be much easier to find just the right beads. We should finish tomorrow... I can hardly wait for you to see it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's Late

...and I'm tired, but a commitment is a commitment. One post, every day, for the entire month of November (yes, that would also include Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving) that's what I agreed to. It wouldn't be good to drop the ball only eight days into the month.

I don't have much left other than a random assortment of images I've gleaned from my travels around the internet.

Lately, I've been in a rainbow kind of mood... they're sure to grab my attention!

This is Prince Charles, and Camilla.  They're in Tanzania as part of a Royal Tour.  They stopped into a charity workshop that employs disabled men and women, and learned how to do beading.  Camilla made a necklace, Prince Charles made earrings.  His reaction?  "This is where I need my glasses." Noticing her 62-year-old husband was in difficulty, Camilla, 64, offered him her glasses three times. "Do you want my specs?" she asked. The Prince laughed: "I'm not designed for this."

Judging by the swelling in his hands, and what appears to be a limited range of motion in his fingers, I'd say he might just be right.  At least he gave it a whirl.

I collect quotes and graphics.  I liked this one and thought I'd share.

So... are you going to comment?  It's OK, I promise, I don't bite.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I Love Monday

... and while I'm at it... I love the time change, too!

I love Monday because it's my day off! In essence, it's like Sunday, except there's no church, and the banks are open.

Monday is an interesting day to have off. The world moves differently. Folks seem friendlier, and less hurried. I can take my time with errands, and not fear I'll be run over by some harried person in a parking lot, or have to listen to the pitiful wails of children kept out past their nap time. Monday is great day to have off... I highly recommend it!

I also like the time change. Most people act like it's a real inconvenience, but honestly, what's the big deal? Time is all a perception anyway. Each one of us gets the same amount, and we are free to use the time we're given any way we wish. Why use it complaining about it? One good thing about the time change is that in six months the time change complainers will have something to complain about again.

Today was especially nice. I had a massage to work out all the aches and pains of the past few weeks. The bank was open, traffic was light, and the grocery store wasn't mobbed. I even got some Christmas shopping done today! I've decided that since I'm out and about on Monday, I might as well start holiday shopping now rather than waiting until the last minute.

I made a pot of my favorite soup for dinner tonight (I'll share the recipe in a minute). At the grocery store today I scored a wonderful buy on brie. Yes, guilty pleasure won out. At $2.29 each, I couldn't just leave them there... so I bought two!

One of my business neighbors made my life a bit easier today. First she gave me an incredible massage, then she made a generous offer.

Give me three minutes, and I'll start lamenting about the lack of space at the shop. I know most of the lack comes from my own perceptions. I'm extremely visual, and do not like too much disorder. I can take a few items that are being processed being out, but beyond that, I want things tucked away. The storage situation for back stock items and supplies has gone beyond my ability to function. As I wrote last night, I'm cleaning out the storage area frequently.

I told Caitlin (my sweet neighbor across the hall, and wonderful massage therapist) about my lack of storage. She offered me the use of her closet! Other than some cleaning supplies, she does not use it. We took a look and although it's on the smallish side, and doesn't have a lock...yet... it will be perfect for storing office supplies, paper products, brooms, and some other strange items that take up valuable space, and irk me every time I encounter them. Color me happy!

Now the soup!

In an issue of Sunset Magazine, I found what I like to refer to as a "Suggestion". I am my mother's daughter, and rarely follow any recipe I find (unless, I'm baking). I enjoy making alterations as I see fit. This recipe was perfect for altering.

Italian Chicken Sausage Soup


1 package Italian Chicken Sausages, removed from the casings (I like the Isernio brand).
2 cartons Wolfgang Puck Organic Free Range Chicken Broth (This broth is so perfectly seasoned you don't have to add salt)
1 small organic leek, chopped
1 bunch organic rainbow chard, chopped
Olive oil

That's all! No seasonings necessary because the sausage and the chicken broth have you covered!

In a large pot, heat olive oil, and saute leeks with sausage. When the leeks and sausage are done, add both cartons of broth. Bring to a boil. Add chard, let soup come back to a boil to soften chard, about 5 minutes. Done!

I like to let the soup sit for 15-20 minutes to cool. It's great with toast, or biscuits. My cat likes it, too!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sixteen Inches

...went a long way to making me a very happy person today!

For the past few months the walls of the shop have been closing in around me. Even with the addition of the seed bead room, it seems as if the inventory is constantly outgrowing the space. Any time we have an event there is a major shuffle to get ready. Our little closet under the stairs begins to resemble Fibber McGee's, and I find myself constantly reorganizing it.

Recently, J-me and Guy from Wild Things Beads gave me a display rack they thought I might want to use. My first inclination was to use it to hang bead strands, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized it would be a great display for finished jewelry. The only problem was placement.

That's where the sixteen inches comes in.

Jeff and I moved the bead cabinets, and the large columns sixteen inches closer to the classroom today. We also moved a couple of cases. The display rack for the jewelry is now at the front of the shop sporting some earrings, and waiting for more jewelry. The best part of moving everything is that we can now open the front door completely! It no longer bumps into the column.

The space feels larger, and balanced. I'm looking forward to feedback, and spending time observing how it functions for all of us. There is still some fine tuning to do, but for the most part, I'm really pleased with the changes we made.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Five Things To Do Before Autumn Ends

Take a walk through crunchy leaves.

Don't forget to take your camera! Remember:: "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." Albert Camus

Bring some of the color indoors with a beautiful autumn inspired bouquet.

Make S'mores... and don't forget the cocoa!

Get ready for the holidays at a local holiday bazaar.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Design Seeds

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for a color palette? It happens to the best of us. There's a great bead, but for some reason the accents aren't flowing.

When I need a little assistance, or a boost to get me outside my normal color choices I like to turn to the internet for inspiration.

Talk about inspiring...Jessica Colaluca creator of Design Seeds really gets my color wheel turning! Every day she publishes four images complete with a great color palette. They're fresh, sophisticated, and will get my creative muse going every time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Project Accessory... One Beaders Opinion

Last week a new show premiered on the Lifetime Network that is right up my alley. It's called Project Accessory, and is based on the same premise as Project Runway.

Thank goodness the full episodes are going to be running on the Lifetime Network website, because this bead loving gal doesn't have a TV!

So, lets get to it. If you didn't watch the episode, you can watch it here. We were introduced to the designers, and learned a little bit about each one. They're a diverse group, some of them have experienced a modicum of success in their design careers, others are just getting started.

The challenge for the first episode was for the designers to create a necklace, a belt, and an accessory of their choice from items they gathered during a 15 minute spree in two storage units. I was surprised by the 'stuff' in the units. Crystal chandeliers, pleather coats in pristine condition, yards of string, shells, and silk flowers, it was definitely well staged.

Once the designers began working with their gatherings, the drama started. Nicolina Royale, a self proclaimed Rock-n-Roll designer, had a meltdown over her choice of materials. She'd selected several pieces of luggage, and could not stop comparing her choices with the other contestants. As I watched her tearing apart a fantastic red piece of luggage, I wondered what her problem was. The piece was covered with zippers! The suitcase itself was ripe for cutting into small organic or geometric units. She was so busy watching all her competitors that she blocked herself.

Have you ever done that? I know I have. I'll get so caught up in the 'how' of something, that I'll block the muse who's doing everything possible to show me. That's what Nicolina did, and the result nearly got her booted from the show. She was able to barely pull it out the following morning, and it showed in her pieces. She wasn't the only one. There were several other disasters. Some of the designers were obviously not in their element, and it showed in their work.

I thought the winning designer did a great job. Her pieces were made from an oriental parasol. She spent time constructing components that went together very well. I liked her aesthetic, and use of material.

My only complaint about the show is that there was so little time spent on the construction of the individual pieces. Those of us who make jewelry are interested not only in the final result, but also how everything is put together.

I'll be watching the entire series. I've already chosen my favorite... no, it's not Nina... and will be interested in seeing his future projects.

One more thing, something I really didn't expect, this show has re-ignited my appreciation in accessories other than earrings and bracelets. I've gone shopping in my closet and have started wearing belts and scarves again. I'm not certain where my style falls. It's somewhere between hip old lady, and beady chic.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Post A Day

November is a month dedicated to more than eating turkey, shopping, or football watching... it's also a month set aside for writing! This month, I'm participating in NaBloPoMo hosted by NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month. The challenge is to publish a post every day for the entire month.

What am I going to write about? I'm not sure. I have a few ideas... and trust me, some of them are better than others!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Slideshow of Customer Creations

Get the flash player here:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon

One of my favorite things to do, other than play with beads, is writing. My head can be a busy place. Writing helps me get my thoughts out, and into some semblance of order.

Writing here has been challenging for me lately. There's a part of me which thinks I should be all business, and stay on topic. *yawn* When I get into that mindset, I find it difficult to let go, and well, write.

The flip side is 'hey, this is my blog, I can write whatever comes to mind.' I start writing, and the next thing I know I'm thinking no one will be interested. My life is pretty tame. An adventure is a trip to the grocery store. A thrill is shopping for new shoes. See? Tame.

Today, I've decided to blither.

If you've been in lately, you may have noticed (at least I hope you did) that you're seeing less of me. Thanks to Claire mentioning it, I started The 17 Day Diet on June 13th, and have been enjoying great results! I'm eight pounds away from my goal after dropping an amazing 16 pounds in 27 days! Opening my closet is no longer a nightmare. I'm wearing clothes I haven't fit into for several years. I feel great.

My sweetie decided to join me on the plan. You know guys, they're gung-ho for a couple of days, then they start slipping. Consequently, he's been hit and miss, while I've been Miss Dedicated... and because he's a guy, he's lost as much weight as I have. How unfair is that?

I don't know about you, but when I change my eating habits, I turn into a foodie. I become fascinated with finding ways to stay within the plan, but make something really yummy.

Thanks to this diet, I am now searching for a twelve step group. I'm thoroughly addicted to Fage 2% Greek Yogurt mixed with fresh, organic fruit. It's heavenly! I also learned of a great way to enjoy tacos... iceberg lettuce leaves instead of taco shells... out of this world. Oh, and stir fry is absolutely wonderful served over finely sliced, cold Romaine lettuce.

I think the best part of this way of eating for me is how fast I become full. Perhaps it's because I'm filling up on the right stuff.

Next topic.

A couple of weeks ago I joined a retailer's group on Facebook. We're all bead store owners, with a few yarn shops tossed in for fun. What an amazing group! The depth of knowledge, and experience is fantastic. The members are enthusiastic and open. They've shared some great ideas.

I'm telling you all of this because I don't want you to be too surprised when I start putting some of them into place at Dancing Beads. Most of them have to do with ways we can have fun while saving money, and pursuing our shared love of beads.

Hmmm, Facebook has made me think about comments.*

Let's talk about commenting. OK, I'll talk about it. Comments are those nice little notes you write when you enjoy something someone has shared. I know I haven't been here much lately, but I do know there are a few of you who check in regularly... just in case. I would likely write more if I had some feedback.

I love it when someone calls *ahem, not mentioning any names here Mom* to tell me how much s/he enjoyed something I posted, like oh, say a video of my cat, and honey singing a duet. Please don't get me wrong, the call is great, and so are the comments when you're in the shop. Writing a little note here... well, that would mean a great deal to me.

I was just about to mention I have taken the whole day off, then realized, um no, I haven't. There was paperwork squawking at me this morning, so I paid all the bills, and filed things in their proper places. Tomorrow... oh, never mind, I'm working on web stuff. I'll get myself to stop sooner or later.

Speaking of later. Claire and I have signed up for two classes with Marcia Decoster in San Mateo next month! We'll be on our beady road trip from August 12th-14th. I've been practicing right angle weave like a crazed woman. The description of the class said 'must be proficient.' Right now, I'm at 'sufficient,' but I'm getting there. Claire on the other hand can do the stitch with her eyes closed as evidenced by the picture to the right. It's one of Claire's clever creations.

I think we're going to have oodles of fun! Road Trip... and four whole days away from work. It will be the longest I've been away from the shop since opening. I'll probably be like a new mother leaving her baby for the first time. It will be good practice for next February (and that's all I'm going to say about it right now).

I have lots of great customer pictures to upload to Flickr. I love taking pictures of the pieces you all bring in to show me. I've been known to demand immediate removal from time-to-time. Anyway, before a grundle becomes too many, I'm going to post them here as a slide show. You'll agree... we're a very creative, and talented group!

Guess that's enough chitty chat for now. Don't forget about those comments.

*nothing like a few well placed links for Facebook, is there?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Matilda vs Rick the Relentless

While trying to record a version of "Waltzing Matilda" for his daughter my sweetie encountered the stunning vocal prowess of a cat completely on the wrong side of the door.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


What could be better? Take two beaders, add a lazy Sunday afternoon, a sunny work space, a shop full of beads, stir them all together with a big dollop of Mel Brooks quotes to make a great day!

Claire started out to make a ring, then her RAW square became too big. Instead of stopping, she kept adding beads...

...until she'd made this! Her too big square is on its way to becoming a pendant.

This is a first! I'd never made a beaded ring before. The faceted topaz centerpiece refused to be anything else, so I played along...

...even with a few false starts!*

After finishing the ring I made a lovely pendant to match.

Three and a half hours flew by quickly! I felt renewed, and inspired. It's wonderful to spend time with someone who speaks bead, has a wacky sense of humor, and is filled with ideas.

Thank you for Sunday, Claire... I really needed it! Let's do it again soon. Does this Sunday work for you?

*a bead fairy gasped when I started chopping.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Have You Met My Guy?

Meet the Bright Center of the Universe, otherwise known as my cat. We've been together ever since he chose me thirteen years ago. He is a constant source of amusement, comfort, and entertainment. With a huge personality, and an easy going disposition few people have been able to resist his charms. He's a handsome guy, sleek, and shiny, lean and lanky, he's always dressed in his tux and tails. Between his eyes are three little white hairs, exactly where a bhindi would reside, so that's what I call them...his bhindi. His eyebrows are black and when he closes his eyes, his face seems to disappear. Sprouting from his cheeks are the longest, wildest white whiskers I've ever seen on a cat. He has a huge voice and is extremely willing to verbalize his needs. He'll stand at the door and bellow..."Let MeOoouwt" at the top of his lungs. Five minutes later he's on the other side of the door shrieking..."Let Meyiiin." In addition to being his doorman, I'm his chef, his maid, and his massage therapist.

At night, when we go to bed, is the best time of all. I'll climb into bed, settle myself onto my left side and leave just enough room for Himself. It doesn't take him long to realize where I am. He'll jump up onto the bed and walk with purpose towards the headboard. When he is in front of me he stops and waits. I reach up, tugging him towards me and with feigned resignation he'll lay down and snuggle with me. If I roll over, he follows and we go through the process again. He sleeps with me until I doze off and then leaves to be certain the polar bears that gather in our yard every night don't make too much noise and wake me. He does a very good job. So far no polar bear has ever caused me to wake up while he's on duty. In the morning, he patrols the yard and chases them away.

When he comes back in all he ever wants is a good chin scratching. I'm always happy to oblige, after all he is The Bright Center of My Universe.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dogwoods at Sunset

One of the great things about having my computer situated so I can see out the large picture window in my living room is witnessing the light changing in dramatic ways.

Earlier this week, after a day of rain, and sunshine, and clouds, the setting sun put on quite the display. The dogwood tree at the edge of my front deck was backlit with the most amazing golden light. Below are four of the 55 pictures I managed to take in the little window when it all came together so divinely.

Pink and orange... just puts a smile on my face!

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Trunk Show Time

You'd think, after all the beads, and all the years I've been surrounded by them my enthusiasm for a bead shopping opportunity would be somewhat lukewarm. Nothing could be further from reality.

I love beads, and I get just as excited by them now as I did when I first started beading. Ask anyone who's experienced me hovering while they're sorting through the India Glass beads... you'd think I'd never seen a bead before from my reactions.

...and on Saturday, I get to oogle loads of new beads!

Bob, the owner of Nature's Crafts, is a very kind, and patient guy. He'll be here for our first trunk show of the year. He really enjoys talking with everyone, sharing his knowledge, and helping make good choices. He goes out of his way to bring the best selection from his warehouse!

For this show, he's bringing what I've dubbed "Bob's Bargain Box." It's full of strands priced at $2.00 each! He tells me there are some real deals to be found, and that was all I would let him tell me because I want to be surprised, too!

We'll be setting up tomorrow evening, and opening promptly at 11:00 on Saturday. Come early for the best selection!

See you Saturday... and I promise... I won't shop early!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Video of Completed Expansion

At long last our expansion is done! From start to finished front window, I've stitched together a series of videos and still shots. The background music is "Neanderthal" by Kaki King.

I hope you can stop by one day soon to see the transformation in person.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Little Help

On a recent twirl around the interwebz I came across a picture tutorial for a braided bracelet that I thought was wonderful! I remembered that somewhere in my jewelry box I had the main ingredient for the project... and old curb linked bracelet.

Fast forward to later in the day. I'd chosen my material. I had my computer open to the picture, and was all set to go, but there was one little problem. I couldn't remember how to do a french braid! I struggled. I started over. I confess, I swore a couple of times, but I wasn't going to give up.

My friend Beckie came to my rescue!

When she came in I was just about to toss the project aside. I'd been taking pictures, and my starts were fine, it was just the braiding that had me stuck.

"Hey, Beckie! You have hair!" I declared.

She laughed at me, and agreed, she does indeed have hair. I asked her if she knew how to braid. My hair has been short for such a long time, I've forgotten.

With me holding onto the bracelet while she braided it, it began to take shape. Beckie's deft fingers made a project I'd struggled over for nearly an hour come together very quickly.

At one point I asked her, "So, how many redheads does it take to make a bracelet?"

We had a good chuckle, and I've been enjoying the results of our labors ever since.

  • 1 Curb link bracelet
  • Ribbon, or cording of your choice (I used satin cord in four colors)
  • Two pieces of wire to act as needles
  • Scissors
  • Wire cutters

How to do it::
  • Cut cording into eight equal lengths of 18" each. (better too much than not enough)
  • Tie all pieces together in a single overhand knot.
  • Separate colors into two groups.
  • Place one section of strings under the first link then take it to the left.
  • Bring second section over the top of the first section, then through the link from the bottom.
  • Repeat with all links in the chain.
  • Finish by adjusting all the threads, and chain to be smooth, and the first knot is firmly against the chain.
  • Tie an overhand knot with all the threads on the last link.
  • Trim ends to desired length.
  • ... give the friend that helps you a big hug!

Thanks for the assistance Beckie! I think I might be able to make the next one by myself.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some of My Creations

Tuesday I had the good fortune of being able to share pictures of some of the amazing beadwork I've had the opportunity to see, touch, and photograph! The work I see inspires me to take time to be creative, too.

For years I never thought about taking pictures of any of my finished pieces. In retrospect *sigh*... I think I'll just continue looking forward instead of back. There are many projects and pieces in my future.

With the exception of the colorful copper bracelet, all of the pieces in this set were made since Dancing Beads re-opened. The only reason I mentioned it is that if you like one of the items and want to fashion something similar, the beads are likely still available.

Get the flash player here:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meet Lynnette

About a month before I opened the new shop I had a surprise visitor.

It was a Saturday. My work crew, and I were busy putting together the large unit that would become the display area for strands, and open bins. Construction was moving right along, until one of my neighbors (an aesthetician) requested we stop until after she'd finished with a late afternoon appointment.

Imagine my surprise when a relaxed, and fresh faced Lynnette stepped into the shop after her appointment! I was so excited to see her, get caught up, and of course ask her if she might consider teaching for me once again. She agreed, and after the shop was opened brought some wonderful examples for classes.

Lynnette's beadwork is relaxed and playful. When admiring it, I can see how it reflects the person who created it. There is a great deal of skill behind the artist. It shows someone who wants to know how to do something well, then take the skill and make it all her own.

With a basic knowledge of wire working Lynnette will teach you several exciting wire techniques. Whimsical, and colorful this one-of-a-kind bracelet is a fun addition to your jewelry wardrobe. You'll learn herringbone, bead caging, and wrapping, along with several connectors. Bring beads of any size or shape. We’ll provide the wire, and tools. This class is scheduled for Thursday, March 24th from 6:30-8:30. The fee is $30.00. There is still space available. You can register online, or by calling 541.690.1376.

Dancing Beads:: We've just met, and are at a point in our conversation when you describe who you are. So, who are you?
Lynnette:: I am a Medical Professional with a great love of art and creativity.

Dancing Beads:: When talking to others, how do you describe your bead art? Lynnette:: Whimsical, fun, free, random.

Dancing Beads:: In what ways does your beadwork reflect your personality?
Lynnette:: Hopefully the same way.....I hope I am whimsical, fun, free, and I would replace random, with kind :)

Dancing Beads:: On average, how many hours per week do you devote to your bead passions?
Lynnette:: In a perfect world... 20 hours a week. In a not so perfect world... 5-10 hours.

Dancing Beads:: Any beading weaknesses?
Lynnette:: I struggle to follow a pattern, even worse to write instructions for a pattern!

Dancing Beads:: What do you like about teaching beading classes?
Lynnette:: I love the variety of people, the skills, the creativity and the absolute love of the art.

Dancing Beads:: Where do you bead? Do you have a special place?
Lynnette:: I have my special Beady Armoire...but I usually carry it about with me.

Dancing Beads:: Just for fun... what is your favorite...
  • Dessert:: baklava
  • Piece of clothing:: Converse All Star tennis shoes
  • Movie:: Waiting for Guffman
  • Vacation spot:: I miss my family in Minnesota...but my favorite spot would probably be somewhere in Arizona
  • Color:: purple, orange
  • City:: Minneapolis or Portland
  • Musical Style:: Anything but "bee-bonk" jazz that I cannot follow!
  • Holiday:: Halloween (it is near my birthday and there is usually a Masquerade Ball!)

One of the things I requested from everyone when I sent out the interview questions was a recent picture. Talk about a camera shy group. I've had to resort to finding images on Facebook to share with everyone.

This picture of Lynnette made me smile! I wonder if the world looked prettier through the filter of champagne.
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