Saturday, August 11, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 11

Today's happiness was brought by food.

Fresh zucchini, cucumbers, and poblano peppers from Sue's garden... although I have to admit... the peppers make a tidge bit apprehensive. Persis braved "Peach-a-polooza" and gave me some super sweet, juicy peaches. Jeff topped of the bounty with cherry tomatoes, and fresh string beads.

Dinner was divine!

Friday, August 10, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 10

Today has been extra-special!

I decided not to work too hard today. This week I've worked until 9:00pm or later every day (including Monday, which is technically my 'day off').

When Amber came in at 1:00 this afternoon, I surprised her by telling her that she wasn't going to be doing any work. Instead, because she's asked me so many times, I was going to teach her how to make earrings. She was so excited!

I placed the giant bowl of Czech pressed glass beads on the table, then gathered the tools, and findings. Amber's eyes got huge when she realized she could pick anything she wanted to use for her creations.

She's a quick learner. Keeping up with her when she's packaging is a challenge. We tell her what we need her to do, and she gets right on it. She works quickly, finds her own efficiencies, and gets the job done.

She took to making earrings as if she's been making them for years. She made my heart soar when she approached a customer, her hands brimming with earrings, and explained how she'd just learn to make them. The customer was impressed, and Amber was happy with the compliments she received.

In two hours, she made 14 pairs of earrings, and she made me very happy!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 9

This evening I'm playing hostess. It's BYOF... otherwise known as Bring Your Own Fun!

From 6:00-9:00 I'll have the pleasure of spending the evening with some great beady peeps and just bead.

I don't get to do bead for my own pleasure very often. I know, hard to believe when I spend the majority of my days surrounded by a shop full of treasures. Most of my beading happens when I teach a class, or when I'm looking for some quiet time at home. I really look forward to the second Thursday of the month. It's fun to get to know everyone who comes in for the evening a bit better, and see what new creation they're working on.

Tonight, I'm going to be starting a kumihimo necklace. I'll be donating the finished piece to a fundraising auction to benefit the Southern Oregon Historical Society.

I thought it would be fun to make the piece on the marudai I purchased for the shop last year. Lately, I've been using a foam disk to make and teach kumihimo, but since a necklace is bit more time intensive, the marudai felt like the right tool.

I'm happy I was able to remember to set it up on my own after not using it for such a long time. The necklace I'm planning will be in pewter tones with a matte porcelain bead as a focal. The closure will be a magnetic clasp.

I'll share pictures when it's finished... right now I have a gathering to get ready!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 8

*This graphic made me happy! I found it on Pinterest.

What made you smile today?

*sorry for the especially short post. It's late, and bed is calling my name... loudly!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 7

Sometimes I get what I ask for. Today, I asked for a quiet day, and that's exactly what I got.

Quiet days make me happy. The list of things to do seems to stretch on for days. I treasure quiet days because I can accomplish some big tasks.

I think I'll ask for a party tomorrow!

Monday, August 6, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 6

Two dresses and some new foundation made me happy today! It's been hotter than a blue blazes, and now is the best time to score great buys on summer clothes... and that's just what I did. Two dresses for less than half the original cost of one.

It made my girly heart skip a beat.

... and best of all... I took a class with Claire this evening and have a fabulous new pair of earrings to wear with my new dresses.

Being stylish, cool, and comfortable makes me giddy!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 5

Anyone who knows me, knows I have two speeds. I'm either full throttle or dead stop. There's nothing wrong with either one, other than one of them can have a tendency to wear a body out after awhile.

Today I engaged dead stop. There wasn't much of anything I had to do. The house was clean. It was too hot to spend time outside. I didn't feel like doing anything related to work, so I only did what I wanted to do today.

I noshed on all the great left-overs in the fridge. I wandered Pinterest and Facebook. I chased little beads around the bead mat. My lap made for a nice place for the cat to snooze.

All-in-all it was the happiest way to spend a Sunday.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 4

According to Google the high temperature for today was 108°. No wonder everyone who came into the shop today told me it was HAWT out.

Tonight's dinner was made for a hot day. Grilled chicken cooked outside, fresh corn on the cob, Bruschetta with Mozzarella Fresca on freshly baked French bread, and Three Bean Salad. ice cream for dessert… now that's a happy meal! Is there anything better than fresh summer food on a hot day?

Friday, August 3, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 3

It's Friday! That's enough to make most people very happy. I hope you have a great weekend planned.

Today I finished everything on my list of things to do.

Getting everything checked off isn't as hard it may seem. I limit the size of my list to five items. Any more than five and I can struggle to get them all done.

It makes me happy to not only accomplish the goals I've set for the day, but also to have a list in the first place.

Do you keep a list or do you just wing it?

I think that's what weekends are all about!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August Happiness Challenge - Day 2

One of the perks of owning a small business open to the public is how much of the day is ruled by serendipity. Sure, you can plan your tasks, but you can't predict who is going to come through your door during the course of the day.

Today a woman came into the shop who was lost. She had driven down from Washington, and was looking for the motel she'd booked for the evening. Somehow she'd managed to get off the wrong exit, and was completely turned around. She'd pulled into the shop's parking lot to make a quick U-turn when she spotted the "Dancing Beads" sign.

She no longer cared that she was lost, she'd found a bead shop and had to come in! As we talked her excitement and sense of adventure made me smile. While she shopped I drew a map for her. When she realized there is no sales tax in Oregon, she was thrilled.

We determined she was supposed to find her way here today. I hope her memories of Medford will be good ones.

Meeting her was a happy reminder that we are where we're supposed to be all the time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Happiness Challenge Begins.... Day 1

August is 'Happiness Challenge Month' and has inspired me to begin posting again!

The challenge is to post about something that makes you happy. Anything that made your day a little brighter, your mood a little lighter, or brought a smile to your face qualifies. It's a wonderful way to remember the positive things going on all around us... in our lives, in our communities, and in the world.

Today, I'm happy I took time last night to make salads for the week. It's so nice to reach into the fridge and find a nutritious and delicious lunch waiting for me to enjoy.
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