Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Food for Thought

One of the things I've considered about recording my progress of eating on a food stamp budget is that it really doesn't have much to do with beads... or does it?

Food is what drives our engines. Our brain consumes 20% of the calories we take in daily yet is only 2% of our body weight! To function at its best, the brain needs a constant supply of glucose. Without it you start feeling foggy, sluggish, and your memory starts to lapse.

Is it any wonder why children who are in households that struggle to keep food on the table have a harder time in school?

So, perhaps there is a connection between my project and beads. In order to be creative, learn new techniques, and remember where in the world things are, it will be necessary for me to eat well and keep my brain fed.

Yes, it's only day two, but I'm starting to become a little food obsessed. This morning before I left for the shop, I was certain to have my lunch packed, and my dinner planned. I also decided that a little cooking ahead was in order because I have two evenings that will keep me at the shop late this week.

Here's a picture of some of the salads I like to make in mason jars. I found this idea on Pinterest, and it has to be one of the best time savers I've ever come across. What I really enjoy about making salads for the week is that they're as good at the end of the week as the day I make them. It's so nice to reach into the fridge, grab my lunch, and scoot out the door knowing I'll have something fresh and good to eat.

This evening, I'm cooking ahead. There's a pot of split pea soup bubbling on the stove, and a pan of black beans soaking. I'll cook them up tomorrow to use in a terrific black bean and pasta dish I enjoy.

See... I am a little food obsessed, but then I can be a little bead obsessed, too. Oh well, it's all good.

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