Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week One - Done

The first week of my challenge is done.

I haven't quite made it in the posting every day portion, but I knew that would probably be the case. Busy, chatter-filled days can leave me feeling drained and without any more words to share. To refuel for the next day, I have to be quiet or I have nothing much left.

Tomorrow will find me back at the grocery store shopping for the week. As I've been running out or running low on items I've been noting them on my fridge master list.

Here is my shopping list for the upcoming week::
  • Coffee
  • Ground Turkey
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Pepper
  • Mushrooms
  • Leeks
  • Dried Basil
  • Taco Seasoning
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Pasta
  • Banana
  • Apples or Oranges
  • Yogurt

Looking at the list, I have a feeling I'll just make it. I've checked my coupons and find I have some that will take $3.00 off my total.

This past week I've become acutely aware of how much food I eat and how wasteful I can be in my storage of left-overs.

When I got home from the grocery store on Monday I cleaned out my refrigerator. The amount of bad produce and little containers of mystery food I threw out was embarrassing. I've added freezer bags to my list so I can properly save the larger left-overs I make.

I had an 'oh crap' earlier in the week when I cooked up a pot of black beans. I thought I'd cooked them long enough. I used them to top some pasta for a meal, and they were not done. I ended up moving the beans to the side, eating what I could, and throwing the rest down the garbage disposal. It made me sad to have wasted them.

Thankfully, beans don't mind being put back on the burner even if it is a couple of days later. The rest of the beans are now fully cooked, and ready to go into a concoction I created a few years ago that I call 'BeanWa.' It's a flavorful little dish made up of black beans, quinoa, veggies, and seasonings. It's terrific on salads, as a side dish, or in a wrap. I'll share the recipe and some pictures tomorrow after I've made it.

I've noted some good things at the end of week one. I'm sleeping better, and my energy level seems to be on the upswing. I've had no cravings. I'm just fine eating smaller portions... and my clothes are fitting better.

Best of all, I've enjoyed talking about my challenge with others. They may not go to the extreme I've taken, but I'm learning that many people are looking for ways to reel in their expenses at the grocery store, too. I'm grateful for their insights, ideas, and encouragement.

Image from:: Brenda Ferguson

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