Friday, October 5, 2012

Priorities Matter

Last night, I decided sleep was more important than writing. It was a long and fun-filled day!

This morning I've taken some time to look around the interwebz to see if I could find information from other people who've taken a challenge similar to the one I've laid out for myself.

There have been many people doing this for quite some time... and they've been more extreme than I'm being.

One person was eating on $1.00 per day by doing some extreme coupon clipping. I applaud him {yes, him} for what he did, but after looking at the selection of food he had purchased, and what he went through to acquire it, I find myself unwilling to follow his lead. I don't want to take the time, nor do I want to subsist on peanut butter and banana tortillas washed down with Capri Sun fruit drinks. Blergh!

Another person challenged herself to eat for a week on $30.00 and not touch anything in her pantry. Um, nope, not going to do that either. It's there, I'm going to utilize it. Perhaps, that would be considered cheating by some, but to me letting it sit there seems wasteful, especially the items that are in my fridge.

I thought about my theory of meal importance vs. cost only to realize the expense will likely remain the same, it will just shift.

The one thing that has jumped out at me as I've been perusing the internet for information is the number of people saying they're able to eat healthy and then share a shopping list of processed food! I'm unable to believe they're feeling healthy when many of the important pieces of good eating are nowhere on their lists.

Only one person had purchased a variety of vegetables and she was feeling remorseful for doing it! I'd feel remorseful for NOT buying those veggies.

I guess it comes down to priorities.

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